I’ve come over to teach juggling workshops at Circulation Festival, run by good friends of mine, Dan and Logan. Set at a scout camp deep in the Dunedin hills, needless to say it’s beautiful country but not much to do with Permaculture. However, I always plan my trips with time either side to catch up with friends, so bypassing Christchurch I stayed with a juggling friend Adrian, who lives in Southbridge, about 30 mins south of the city. Just a mention of a goat-shed building and chooks was enough to get me there for a look.
Within a half an acre (2,000m^2 = a fifth of a hectare) Adrian and partner Andi, along with their children (Emily [6], Tara [1]) have around 20 chooks, 3 dogs, 1 rabbit, 3 cats, and 4 kittens stashed in the cupboard. Down the road, they are managing several goats (2 kids, 1 feral & 3 does) with another family who are holding the goats on their 25 acre property.
With Adrian’s handyman skills and Andi’s relentless passion in the kitchen, the two of them make a very productive and healthy household. Adrian takes ideas from many different schools of thought to make up the systems he has in place, chook domes from permaculture, garden beds from landscape design...
Below are the permie-relevant photos I took during my visit... I had to be quite strict not to include a photo of a litter of kittens (& pups!) so I could keep to the subject appropriate to this blog. The full set are available on my Facebook page.
Goats Milk
A short drive down the road from their home are the goats. We milk one of them and get just under 4 litres of milk from her. Females are called Does, males are Bucks, and there’s one other: Feral. A feral goat is the offspring of unregulated/unkept goats that usually have poor characteristics, such as low milk yield, low weight, or unfavourable temperament. It is possible to breed a feral back to a purebred, if you know what one of its breeds is, and then only allow it to reproduce with that breed for several generations. After one breeding, the first offspring becomes a 1/2-breed, the next a 1/4, then 1/8, 1/16, 1/32. Once the offspring become 1/32, it has been bred back enough to be classed as a ‘purebred’.

Cheese making.
Andi has learned everything from books over the last few years, and is still learning. This was only her second attempt at making fetta, and has already seen a big improvement on last time. You do need to add a couple of ingredients (rennet and a culture), but the process is really quite straight forward. Once heated to the right temperature, and ingredients added as per the recipe, the milk starts to separate, curds on top, whey below.

A big part of the process is getting the whey out of the curds. Cutting the curds into squares when they are ready helps tease the whey out further. After 20 minutes of whey leeching, the curds are spooned into a cheesecloth and let to drip as more whey finds its way out. After a few hours of hanging, the cheese is ready. It tasted quite light as soon as it came out of the cheesecloth, the next day however, it had started to develop some flavour. As it develops further each day its worth tasting it regularly to find the point when it is at its best. And then eating it!

Chook tractor:
Chook tractor domes, an idea borrowed from Permaculture, a fantastic way to keep chooks and have them serve your garden in many useful ways. They are nutrient providers to the earth, organic pest controllers, providers of meat, eggs and friendly company too. You can see the pseudo-mandala design here, each bed the size of the dome so that the chooks can be rotated and the beds planted season by season, each time the beds get a good serve of nutrient and the veggies do nothing but thrive!
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